Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Just Ramblin...

I was listening to a song by Celine Dion titled “Alive”, and it really got me thinking. It made me realize how blessed I am to simply be alive! Every breathe that I take is a blessing. Every piece of food I consume is a blessing. Everything in my life is a blessing. Even the tears that I cry and the pain I may feel is a blessing. I have the ability to hurt, to love, to feel whatever it is that I want to feel. With saying that, I have been reflecting on 2006. I learned so much last year about life, and I am still learning today. I learned a lot about myself and about what I want out of life. There is a purpose for the air in my lungs. There is a reason I am put in certain situations whether they are good or bad…
Last year taught me to love. Although I stayed single the entire year, I learned to love the most amazing person… me. I have been told time and time again that “you can’t fully love someone until you fully love yourself”. I never understood this until recently. Although I am still working on it, I’m learning to love everything about myself. I have flaws just like any other person, and one day I will find someone who will love and accept those flaws just like I have. I’m loud. I’m indecisive when it comes to the most minute things such as what kind of dressing I’m going to put on my salad. I’m a cover hog when I sleep. I’m bad about interrupting sometimes because I’m scared I will forget what I was thinking. The list goes on and on, but one important trait that I learned about myself last year is that I am passionate. This can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing. I put everything I have into everything I do. I am passionate about everything in my life. I am passionate about my school work. I am passionate about my job as a dance teacher. I am passionate when I kiss. Even when I hate something, I tend to hate it with a passion. Last year I put my heart into friendships, relationships, and other situations that did not appreciate my passion. I learned from those experiences. I know who my true friends are now. I have friends that I go weeks without talking to, but when I do it is like we’ve been speaking every day. I have so many true friends that I know I can call on if I need anything at all, and I know they will be there for me at the drop of a hat. They do this because they know I will do the same for them. I know that I am a good person and I am a great friend to have. Someday, I will find someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am and even for everything that I am not. I’ve learned to be patient with life. Life is a journey, not a destination, so why not just sit back and enjoy the ride of MY life. This is my life. It doesn’t belong to anyone else but me and I won’t let anyone take it away. I know who I am, and I have every intention of being that person and nobody else. I am fun. I can have fun no matter what I am doing. Whoever ends up with me will be the happiest person in the world, I can almost guarantee that. I am faithful. I do not betray the people that I love and care about. I never have and I never will. Betrayal is not in my blood. I have the most amazing family in the world. I have cousins that look up to me and plenty of elders that I look up to as well. I have an incredible mother who is my best friend in the entire world. She will do everything in her power to make sure I am taken care of, plus more. My friends are the absolute best. I made so many new friendships and formed so many specials bonds with more people than I ever imaged I would last year. I am thankful for every single one of them and for everything they do for me in my life.
I’ve learned my strengths and weaknesses this year. I’ve learned what it is like to love and to lose. I lost my grandfather in April of 2006. Although it taught me what it’s like to lose someone you’ve known all your life, it also taught me to cherish every moment with everyone in your life. Don’t take advantage of a single second of your life.
So that just about wraps it up… I hope that this year is as successful as last year was in every way possible. To all my friends, y’all seriously are my rock! I don’t know where I would be without any of you! Remember that I am always here for you to cry with, laugh with, and especially to drink with J.


BrandyYeager said...

Wow, you really made me think about things... and even cry!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was one really long blog post! LOL

Dallas Kirby said...

I really don't like reading blogs. It makes me feel like I am reading someone else's diary. In fact, I hate it- PASSIONATELY! You do have a very nice blog set- up though.

HillaryGibson said...

I am assigned to review your web site. The main picture is very beautiful. Even though it is large and slow to come up on your page, it is worth the wait. None of the buttons are working yet, so I guess you still have a little work left to do. Don't forget to make sure that you can also click on the pictures to go to another page, not just the words beneath them. Found out why your pictures aren't working as buttons...instead of "a href" as the command, you have "aref". Also, don't forget to add a link to your blog. Great topic and beautiful pictures. Can't wait to see the finished product.

link to my blog: http://hgibsonedm310t6spring07.blogspot.com/